【減農薬】熟成紅はるか さつまいも 土付き 5kg 特大
【減農薬】熟成紅はるか さつまいも 土付き 5kg 特大
【減農薬】熟成紅はるか さつまいも 土付き 5kg 特大
【減農薬】熟成紅はるか さつまいも 土付き 5kg 特大
【減農薬】熟成紅はるか さつまいも 土付き 5kg 特大
【減農薬】熟成紅はるか さつまいも 土付き 5kg 特大
【減農薬】熟成紅はるか さつまいも 土付き 5kg 特大

【減農薬】熟成紅はるか さつまいも 土付き 5kg 特大





【1000時間長期熟成】 熟成紅はるか さつまいも 土付き 5kg 特大サイズ のさつまいもをお届け 福岡県久留米市山本町耳納(みのう)で、地域の課題である耕作放棄地を開墾して育てた無農薬栽培のさつまいもです。 自社所有のさつまいも専用貯蔵施設で甘味と旨味を引き出すため、1,000時間以上土付きで完熟させました。 土付きと水洗い済みの土なし、さつまいもの大きさ、内容量5kgと10kgと用途によってご自由にお選びいただけます。※選択なしの場合5kg 紅はるか2L~M土あり 10kg紅はるか2L~M土ありをお届け 提供事業者 株式会社 茶花の里 さつまいも 久留米市産 長期熟成 紅はるか 10kg M ~ 2L サイズ 土付き 栽培期間中農薬不使用 熟成 甘い 美味しい おやつ スイーツ 常温発送 国産 九州 福岡県 久留米市 お取り寄せ お取り寄せグルメ ========================================= Sweet Potato from Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture: Long-aged Beniharuka, 10kg, 2L Size with Soil Product Description: Contents: Directly from farmers, Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Beniharuka sweet potatoes, 2M to 2L size with soil Origin: Yamamotomachi Minou, Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture Cultivation Method: No pesticides used during cultivation Aging Period: Aged in soil for at least 1,000 hours to maximize sweetness and flavor Storage: Store in a well-ventilated cool and dark place (10℃~16℃) Shelf Life: 30 days from shipment Supplier: Chabana no Sato Co., Ltd. Features: Grown on reclaimed farmland that was once abandoned due to regional issues Aged in a company-owned sweet potato storage facility for at least 1,000 hours in soil to maximize sweetness and flavor Soil-aging enhances shelf life Free from seven specified allergens and 21 designated allergens Notes: Delivery times may be delayed depending on the order situation. Please be aware of this in advance. As this is a fresh food product, please store it in a well-ventilated cool and dark place. Store at 10℃~16℃. The number of sweet potatoes per order may vary depending on size. The weight includes the weight of the soil. There may be insect holes or scratches. Please be aware of this in advance. You may receive sweet potatoes of various shapes, such as curved ones. Please be aware of this in advance. Additional Information: Beniharuka sweet potatoes are known for their high sugar content, sticky texture, and honey-like sweetness. They can be used in a variety of dishes, such as baked sweet potatoes and sweet potato pies. With a generous 10kg volume, they are perfect for sharing with family and friends. Purchase: This product is available as a return gift forふるさと納税 (furusato nozei) donations. Furusato Choice: https://www.furusato-tax.jp/donationtojapan/en Satofull: https://www.satofull.jp/ Reference Information: Kurume City Hall: https://www.city.kurume.fukuoka.jp/ Chabana no Sato Co., Ltd.: https://www.instagram.com/destinatorsrilanka/reel/C3DA7j_IzOk/ Additional Notes: This information is current as of May 24, 2024 and may be subject to change. Please check the latest information on the sales site before purchasing the product. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
